Natural Western Riding
Revised and updated, Natural Western Riding, the book which details every weight shift, leg and reining cue for every western maneuver, is now available as an e-book! The new edition contains a special section, Mastering Trail Courses, which explains how cadence and strides make the difference between an average effort and winning championships. With expanded text and 40 new demonstration photos, the e-book is now available! Written by Don Blazer, the original Natural Western Riding was used for years as the text book for college equine programs. Cathy Hanson, trainer of AQHA champions in western pleasure, western riding and trail, has written the special section, Mastering Trail Courses. Click Here for a Sneak Peek!
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Make Money With Horses This is the newest Don Blazer how-to book and tells in detail how you can profit with weanlings, yearlings, broodmares, stallions, and as a trainer doing what you like best with the breed you like best. You can cash in on horses by starting your own business. The newest edition contains guidelines for writing syndication or limited partnership agreements.
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Make Money With Horses
AUDIO CASSETTE, Veteran horseman Don Blazer delivers an insider’s guide to the real business of horses, and how you can be a player. Includes mistakes to avoid, rules to live by and proven success strategies. 90 minutes
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Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship
Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship is an insightful look at the mental aspects of training any style, breed or discipline of horse to reach his full potential. This book isn’t about English or Western, it’s about understanding and communicating, and recognizing there is a solution to any riding or training problem. Blazer tells the reader, with examples, how to combine the six elements of training with the nine secrets to assure success for both horse and rider. Now you can solve any training problem, any riding problem. Learn the Nine Secrets of perfect horsemanship, and combine them with the six elements of training and you can change any behavior into positive action, eliminate any training difficulty or correct any riding fault. Unlike any other riding or training book, Nine Secrets explains how the cause of problems can be removed without force, without gimmicks and without the use of specialized, costly equipment. Great praise from the book review committee of The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. Here's what the review committee said about Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship: "This book, like other philosophy books, is a very easy read, but if attention is paid to the information offered, IT HAS MORE SUBSTANCE. It is a book which may help people decide what and how they wish to spend their time and effort. THE REVIEW COMMITTEE AGREES EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BOOK."
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Nancy Cahill DVD's Nancy Cahill started riding horses when she was a youngster. Today she continues to train and show Quarter Horses from her training facilities in Madisonville, Texas. She had the priviledge of coaching the U.S. Team for the Youth Quarter Horse World Cup five times. She has trained multiple AQHA World and Congress Champions and National High Point Champions including Winona Anhaiser and Quincy Cahill. Most recently she won the AQHA World Show Junior Western Riding class in 2003.
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Horsemanship I: Fundamentals of Excellence.
Good horsemanship is when a horse and rider work together. Fundamentals of Excellence explains all of my fundamentals of good horsemanship in easy to understand terms with plenty of demonstrations. This tape is a great way to teach a beginning rider or to give experienced riders new ideas. This tape includes an overview of the basic tools for communication with your horse, the proper body position for maximum control, and many other of my techniques to make everyone a better horseman. After you and your horse master the fundamentals of this tape, you will be ready for Drills for Ultimate Control.
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Horsemanship II: Drills For Ultimate Control
Drills for Ultimate Control provides you with my complete set of fundamental drills to help you learn how to gain complete control of your horse's body. On the tape, I explain and demonstrate each drill, breaking them down into plain and simple terms. These drills will give you the groundwork for learning more advanced maneuvers. Perfecting these drills will help you continue to improve your horsemanship. Whether you plan to ride your horse down the trail or go to the show ring, these drills will help you and your horse develop the communication you need to completely control your horse's actions.
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Precision In Western Riding
Western Riding, a class in which the horse is asked to change leads many times, is an exciting, beautiful class that requires close communication between horse and rider. This video is for anyone that wants to learn how to both teach their horse to change leads properly as well as to learn how to correctly ask a horse to perform this maneuver. The video is my complete course on western riding for horse and rider in plain, straightforward language with constant demonstrations. I have used this program to take numerous horses and riders to world championships. Again, beginners in changing leads as well as experts can learn from this video.
DVD $44.95
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Taking Your Obstacles Out of Trail
Trail is becoming one of the most exciting and popular classes at horse shows. Plus, having a horse that can navigate obstacles is a real plus anywhere. In this video, I build upon the horsemanship videos and present my entire program for teaching both horse and rider how to navigate trail obstacles at a walk, trot, and lope. I break this exciting and challenging class into individual pieces to master, with demonstrations and techniques for each. I have used this program very successfully to take numerous horses and riders to world championships. Again, beginners in trail as well as experts can learn from this video.
DVD $44.95
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Competitive Trail Training Package
Competitive Trail is a two-videotape package in which I first go through how to practice for a trail class at home, then how to warm up for your trail class at the show and how to walk through the course at the show. In the second video I take you through a detailed discussion of the actual rides of several different exhibitors and courses at national trail events. I have also included two printed patterns of AQHA World Show trail patterns that you can practice at home. I designed this set to be a two-volume roadmap to success in negotiating the popular Tim Kimura-style patterns for novice to veteran competitors, both at home and at the show. The set includes the printed Tim Kimura patterns discussed in the video.
DVD $74.95 |
Smith Videos Hackamore Traditional Training
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Riding a Hackamore Horse $45.00 Click to ORDER NOW From Hackamore to Bit $45.00 Click to ORDER NOW Buy All Five Hackamore Videos and Save $50.00 ..... 5-pack set for $175.00 Click to ORDER NOW
An e-book is an electronic book sent you as an attachment by e-mail. You order it online from our book catalog, and within hours you have your book. You can view the book and read it on screen, save it to your computer, or download it as hard copy. If you want information now, e-books and e-booklets--the Know and Go Series--are the way to go to know; e-books are quick and easy. Order one and see! |
New E-Book! - Training Performance Horses A training book by Don Blazer is now an "e-book" and available electronically. Step by step details from before the first saddle to the flying change of leads. You can train your horse yourself and get professional results. Every leg, body and rein cue for every basic horsemanship exercise, western or English. Advanced exercises explained with cues and footfall sequences. 140 pages, demonstration photos, basis for college courses. Contains answers to all Horse Smart Quiz questions.
Here's the book which takes a complete look at training any performance horse. Decide what you horse is going to do, then get started with step-by-step directions for preparing for the first ride, introduction to equipment, stepping up, and riding off. Learn weight shift, leg and reining cues for all basic exercises. Learn the exact footfall
sequences your horse must know, and learn how to set your horse up to perform
Know and Go: Simple Bookkeeping System 'Know and Go' Series E-Book! If you are an accountant, you won't need this Simple Bookkeeping System, but if you are like most of us, you'll think it makes life as soft as a padded saddle seat. Big business or small, this system explains things in easy to understand terms, then guides you a step-by-step in making accounting entries. Fast and efficient--keeping your books won't be hard any more. $9.95 Click to ORDER NOW
Know and Go: Supplements For Your Horse? Yes or No? 'Know and Go' Series E-Book! When does your horse need supplements and do they really help? Some do and some don't, but which are which and how do you tell? If you are feeding supplements just as "insurance," you may actually be harming your horse, or you may just be wasting money. Learn about supplements and how to determine if your horse will benefit. $5.95 Click to ORDER NOW
Know and Go: Feeding the Senior Horse 'Know and Go' Series E-Book! Feeding the Senior Horse can be a bit tricky, but not impossible when you have easy-to-understand guidelines to lead you through the maze of needs and feeds. Eleanor Richards explains how to know the special needs of your old friend, and how to satisfy those needs in the most effective manner. $5.95 Click to ORDER NOW
Know and Go: Nine Secrets of Perfect Horsemanship
'Know and Go' Series E-Book!
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Starting the Young Horse Under Saddle FREE E-Book! Click to Download Now
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No Foot, No Horse
I have read nearly all the best known books on horse shoeing at one time or another, and NO FOOT, NO HORSE is without question the very best. No book is as clear in explaining hoof balance, the problems caused by imbalances and the proper trimming and shoes necessary to help restore the natural perfect foot. You may never want to shoe a horse, but if you own one, then you must understand what it takes to keep him sound and functioning well. This book is an absolute must for every horseowner.........Don Blazer $42.95 Click to ORDER NOW
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Horses Behavin' Badly
by Dr. Jim and Lynda McCall "Why 's he doing that!" Few things in this world are more frustrating to horse owners than a horse behavin' badly. It's hard sometimes not to take it personally when this creature we take care of, often love, and certainly pay the bill on, seemingly thinks up ways to frustrate our human goals. Bad behaviors can range from those mildly irritating, all the way to downright dangerous. Often it is nothing short of astonishing what a horse can think up as a way of avoiding whatever it is the human wants to do. But there is help! In this book Dr. Jim McCall and his wife and partner Lynda offer real training solutions to problem equine behaviors. Based on a thorough understanding of horse behavior and with a deep love and respect for the horse, the McCalls offer more than one possible solution to some of the most common equine behavior problems such as running away, rearing, spooking, disobedience and more. $23.95 Click to ORDER NOW
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The Stallion: A Breeding Guide for Owners and Handlers
by Dr. Jim and Lynda McCall The Stallion is truly an exceptional reference because Dr. McCall addresses topics that are often overlooked in books on breeding, including: collecting, handling and storing semen, disciplining and handling the stallion, dealing with unusual and unacceptable behavior, pasture breeding, the reproductive system of the stallion, including anatomy, physiology, fertility, and semen output, nutrition, off-season management, how to market the Thoroughbred or racing-type stallion and how to market the stock horse or show horse-type stallion Dr. McCall also takes into account the economics and legalities involved in the breeding shed in his discussion of evaluation, appraisal and pricing of stallions. An appendix provides sample contracts commonly associated with stallions such as stallion lease agreements, stallion service contracts and stallion syndication agreements. A must read for everyone interested in horses! $24.95 Click to ORDER NOW
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Influencing Horse Behavior
by Dr. Jim and Lynda McCall "This is a good book combining the best in horse training experience with the latest in scientific horse training psychology to be found anywhere." It is from this wide range of experiences that Dr. McCall drew upon for the creation of this unique book. McCall believes that by understanding simple universal concepts of behavior modification, everyone can be a more successful trainer. These fundamental concepts include: Signals that tell a horse what behaviors are acceptable Four ways to eliminate undesirable behaviors The difference between desensitization and flooding techniques How to avoid driving a horse into learned helplessness The power of positive training and the rewards that maintain it $16.95 Click to ORDER NOW
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