Dressage: Foundation for All Riding Disciplines

Lesson Seven Quiz


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1. Lengthening means to speed up the horse's tempo.

True    False

Explain answer:


2.  Bring in the horse's head first when collecting him.

True    False

Explain answer:


3. A horse which is light on the forehand is more likely to buck.

True    False

Explain answer:


4. A soft, round horse would fit into a rectangular box.

True    False

Explain answer:


5.  A horse with a sloping shoulder could be good at lengthening.

True    False

Explain answer:


6. The horse's neck should be well rounded with his nose pointed at his chest.

True    False

Explain answer:


7. The collected trot should be expressed with lifted back, raised forehand, and more bend in the joints.

True    False

Explain answer:


8.  The lengthened gaits mean that the horse is on the forehand.

True    False

Explain answer:


9.  The horse's forehand and hindquarters should be similar in frame.

True    False

Explain answer:


10.  The horse needs to drop his back to bring his head in properly.


True    False

Explain answer:



11. When a horse shortens his frame he is about to lengthen.

True    False

Explain answer:


12. A horse does not need to have his hindquarters underneath when he is lengthening.

True    False

Explain answer:


13. All horses are built to collect and lengthen in different degrees.

True    False

Explain answer:


14.  To slow down your horse in a trot, you need to sit trot.

True    False

Explain answer:


15. When lengthening your horse's stride, you bring your hands up about 4 inches.

True    False

Explain answer:


16. Horses need time to develop physically and mentally to do these exercises well.

True    False

Explain answer:


17. When collecting your horse, be sure that you keep his nose tucked into his chest.

True    False

Explain answer:


18. In "swinging the rib cage", pull your legs off the horse and then push so that you get some good momentum.

True    False

Explain answer:


19.  There is a time when you will drop your hips while working the horse.

True    False

Explain answer:



The "tasks" count for 75% of your grade.  Please write detailed reports and take your time.

You may submit your answers as an attachment to an email in a Word document.

 Email the document to: cathy@horsecoursesonline.com   Please make sure you include your full name and email address on the document.

    * Note: Be sure you are working you horse somewhere safe -- a level area or arena. It is important to make sure that the ground is not hard or rocky; the increased work you will be doing with your horse will require safer footing. Do not use a round pen for this lesson. Warm up your horse until he is straight and supple. Be warmed up yourself!

    Ride a large oval or rectangle while in a rhythmic walk. Practice either collecting or lengthening for 10 minutes, then the other for another 10 minutes. Do both exercises in both directions.

    Ask the horse for only a few strides of the exercises at a time, and then let him move back to where he is comfortable. Gradually increase the number of strides. Vary your riding pattern with straight lines, spirals, circles, etc. as you see fit. When you feel you are getting some response, do the exercises at the trot.

    You may need to do the exercises for a week or two before you have an answer for this task:

1. In essay form, tell me if your horse is better at lengthening or collecting. What did you do to discover this? What are your other observations? What is your training plan to incorporate this lesson into your riding, and to improve your horse's weaker position? (Do not forget the value of the other exercises in this program that may be of help to you.)


Load several short videos of you doing the exercises to YouTube.  Please send the links to me at:   cathy@horsecoursesonline.com

Assignment coming as an attachment? Yes    


        Questions or comments for instructor: 


Please be sure your full name and email address is entered on the form.       



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