Equine Massage

Lesson One Quiz


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1. True False  Massage is a relatively new medical technique for managing pain.

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2. True False  Massage is a term that describes using our hands to loosen   tightness in muscles and relieve pain in a body.

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3. True False. The activities we ask horses to do can increase the chances that they will develop sore muscles or sustain injuries.

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4. Which of the following statements about massage are true?
        a. speeds up the healing process
        b. releases endorphins
        c. helps a horse move better
        d. all of the above

5. Which of the following statements about massage is most correct?
        a. massage can release tension in the muscle structure
        b. massage can have an effect on mental tension
        c. both a and b are correct

6. Which of the following DOES NOT describe Swedish massage?
            a. relaxation
            b. increased heart rate
            c. improved circulation
            d. long, gliding strokes

7. True or False. Massage can be used to help bring horses back to full performance after injuries.

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8. Equine massage done with “specific intent” describes massage done by someone with the following skills and attributes.
            a. extensive knowledge of horse anatomy and gaits
            b. good knowledge of the many different kinds of massage and when to use them
            c. knowledge of how aspects of riding can affect a horse’s comfort and performance
            d. all of the above

9. True or False. Massage should always be considered as a first option when a horse exhibits soreness or gait abnormalities.

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10. Which of the following is NOT a contra-indication for massage?
            a. when heat, inflammation or swelling is present
            b. when there is a sore back from bad saddle fit
            c. when there is bleeding
            d. when there is a fever

11. Which of the following statements is true?
            a. massage, when used in appropriate situations, will improve comfort and movement with each session
            b. when releasing tension and tightness in muscles, massage could cause discomfort by exposing a medical problem that had been obscured by tight muscles
            c. both statements are true

12. True or False. The heat generated in a muscle by massage will increase the blood and lymph supply in that muscles.

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13. True or False. It is not possible for massage to have any effect on joint comfort or movement.

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Use the following terms to answer questions 14 through 25. Some terms may be used more than once.

                                                    a. Swedish massage                                           f. maintenance massage
                                                    b. Sports massage                                             g. structural massage
                                                    c. pre-event massage                                         h. rehabilitative exercises
                                                    d. injury rehabilitation massage                        i. splinting
                                                    e. performance enhancement                            j. compensation

14. The time involved in returning horses to work after injuries can be significantly reduced with the use of .

15. is based on the premise that correctly balanced muscles allow the body’s joints to work in accordance with their specific design.

16. When there is an injury to one part of a body, other areas will change their function and movement to help stabilize the body. These changes are called .

17. A horse preparing to do fast, strenuous work could benefit from .

18. is caused by muscles going into spasms to protect an injured area.

19. The type of massage whose main benefits are relaxation and improved circulation is .

20. may be necessary when muscle dysfunction has altered gait and movement patterns.

21. Massage used for  can increase a horse’s flexibility and suppleness and sharpen a horse’s responses to a rider’s aids.

22. In recent years the concepts of have had a significant impact on the training and conditioning of horses.

23. is massage done on a regular schedule, thereby helping to detect muscle problems before they affect comfort and performance.

24. A good, thorough grooming could be considered .

25. Pre-event massage is a type of .

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