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1. Which one of the following most completely describes anatomical balance:

A) a term used to describe how joints are designed to function and how the muscles hold joints in place and move bones
B) a term describing how a horse looks in the walk, trot and canter
C) describes how a horse stands when showing in a halter class

True False
2. Muscles always work in pairs when moving a bone
3. The agonist muscle increases the angle between two bones

4. Which one of the following reasons for why a joint is not working correctly falls within the scope of massage

A) congenital abnormalities are present in a joint
B) injuries have damaged the bony structure of a joint
C) there is incorrect tension in muscles that support and move a joint

True False
5. This course will include an in-depth section on lower leg massage
6. When one muscle contracts, the other muscle of the pair should lengthen

7. Which statement is NOT TRUE of a co-contraction pattern

A) a common term for co-contraction pattern is “muscle-bound”
B) co-contraction patterns are important for increasing the mobility and flexibility of muscle movement
C) co-contraction patterns do not allow a joint to work to its full anatomical design
D) movement in a horse’s hip joints can often be restricted by a co-contraction pattern

8. When muscle fibers are working correctly they:

A) bunch up when they contract
B) slide back and forth over each other as they lengthen and contract
C) fold and unflold when contracting and extending

True False
9. Scar tissue in muscle fibers is what builds bulk in a muscle

10. Which one of the following statements about muscles is NOT TRUE:

A) a stretching program as part of a horse’s training routine can be important in maintaining good muscle tone
B) scar tissue in muscle fibers and muscles can shorten and stiffen muscle movement
C) sudden over-stretching of a muscle will activate the “stretch reflex”
D) activation of the “stretch reflex” will allow a muscle to continue to stretch beyond its normal capacity without injury to the muscle.

True False
11. Muscles can be tight in an extended state as well as in a contracted state.

12. Which one of the following statements is true

A) a muscle has three parts—origin, belly and insertion
B) a tendon is an integral part of a muscle
C) ligaments have poor circulation and a poor blood supply and, when injured, require a longer recovery period than muscles or tendons
D) all of the above are true

True False
13. The primary job of muscles is to hold the bones of the skeleton together and move them

14. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the comparison of the human and horse skeletons

A) both have the same number of neck vertebrae
B) a horse has no floating ribs
C) the horse’s collar bones support the joints at the point of the shoulder
D) the horse and human pelvic bones have the same shape

True False
15. The core skeletons of a horse and human have more similarities than differences

16. Which one of the following statements is true about the appendicular skeleton of the horse:

A) the bones and joints of the horse’s front legs more closely resemble human arms than legs
B) the splint bones of the horse’s legs are the remains of bones that supported the other two toes when the horse was a three toed animal
C) the horse’s hock is the equivalent of the human heel and ankle
D) what horsemen call the knee of the horse’s front legs is actually incorrect anatomical usage
E) all of the above

17. The horse’s stifle corresponds to which human joint:

A) ankle
B) hip
C) knee
D) wrist

18. The primary difference between the human and horse pelvic bones is:

A) they are different shapes
B) the hip joint in the pelvic bone is a different shape
C) the human pelvis is in the vertical plane, the horse’s pelvis is on the horizontal plane
D) all of the above

19. Massage is most effective when used on:

A) the horse’s lower legs
B) small muscles deep in the horse’s body
C) the internal organs
D) large muscles of the superficial muscle layer

20. Which statement about the horse’s long back muscles is NOT TRUE

A) they protect the spinal vertebrae
B) they extend from the withers to the pelvis
C) they rarely become sore
D) they are extensors

21. Which is not a muscle of the torso:

A) Latissimus dorsi
B) Internal oblique
C) Quadriceps
D) Rectus abdominis

True False
22. What horsemen refer to as the “heave line” in a horse with heaves is the lower edge of the External oblique.

23. A horse with a “hay belly” is one that:

A) is too fat
B) has poor abdominal muscle tone
C) is too long in the back
D) doesn’t use its hind legs well

24. Which statement about the hamstrings is correct:

A) they differ from human hamstrings in that they have their origin on the sacrum rather than at the Ischial tubersoity
B) they are large, well-defined muscles
C) three muscles compose the hamstring group
D) they pull the hind leg back after other muscles have pulled it forward
E) all of the above

25. The major muscles involved in bringing the hind legs forward are:

A) quadriceps
B) gluteals
C) hamstrings

26. The muscles of the forehand perform which one of the following functions:

A) supports the bottom of the rib cage
B) attach the front legs to the rib cage
C) keep the scapula against the rib cage
D) all of the above

27. A muscle that initiates movement is:

A) an adductor
B) a flexor
C) an extensor

True False
28. If an agonist initiates movement and the antigonist returns bones to their normal anatomical position, then the rectus abdominis is an antigonist.

29. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE:

A) muscles of the crest line are muscles that support the neck
B) a “dip” in the crest line just in front of the withers is a desirable trait
C) the Serratus muscle performs an important function by lowering the neck and raising the back
D) the scapula is attach to the rib cage only by muscles

30. Which one of the following statements is false:

A) a. relaxation of the mouth and jaw is important for relaxation of the entire body
B) b. horses that “crib” usually have poor poll flexion
C) c. massage of the poll muscles is an important part of pre-event massage
D) d. tightness in the throat latch can prevent good poll flexion

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