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1. What is the aim of the type of massage taught in this course?
A) relieve soreness
B) restore health to injured muscles
C) rebalance the muscular system
D) all of the above

2. Which statement most clearly defines my first basic premise?
A) I use a lot of different massage techniques.
B) A body that is balanced will work the best.
C) I may have to re-train the horse’s body to work differently.
D) All of the above

3. Which statement most clearly defines my second basic premise?
A) All horses can be brought into anatomical balance.
B) Sub-conscious habits can prevent better movement from becoming permanent.
C) Tightening a sore muscle can help relieve the soreness.
D) None of the above

4. Which statement most clearly defines my third basic premise?
A) Massaging a horse can affect its thought processes.
B) Some movement patterns may have to be changed.
C) Lack of awareness can prevent change from happening.
D) All of the above

True False
5. Massage done with “specific intent” involves working on only one specific muscle per session.

6. Which statements refer to aspects of “anatomical balance”?
A) Differences in the way the two sides of the body work can make good training difficult.
B) Lateral symmetry is an important aspect of anatomical balance.
C) The muscles and skeletal structure are the same on both sides of the body.
D) All of the above.

7. Which of the following is NOT a major reason for a horse being crooked?
A) inborn sidedness
B) living on hills or mountains
C) injuries
D) the rider’s posture

True False
8. Most problems involving crookedness in a horse’s body respond well to massage.

9. Which of the following statements are true with regard to perfect lateral balance in a horse?
A) Its rib cage would be perpendicular to the ground—no tilt.
B) No horse is in perfect lateral balance.
C) Its shoulders and haunches would be at right angles to its spine
D) a and c, but not b
E) a, b and c

True False
10. Lateral crookedness will not interfere with a horse’s ability to lift its back or take correct bit contact.

True False
11. A horse can easily adjust and conform its body to a crooked rider.

12. The Tense-Relax-Stretch reflex:
A) is only useful in human sports massage
B) requires a lot of pressure to work correctly
C) is a technique for releasing muscle tension by causing tight muscles to first tighten more
D) all of the above

13. Sub-conscious, habitual use patterns:
A) are always undesirable
B) are hard to change
C) free us from responsibility for how we do things
D) all of the above

14. Which of the following statements about pressure is NOT true?
A) the pressure you use will vary from horse to horses
B) tight muscles require more pressure than sore muscles
C) if the pressure you are using causes a muscle to contract, it is always an indication that you are using too much pressure

True False
15. The amount of pressure a horse requires to release tension and soreness will remain constant through all of its massage sessions.

16. If a horse pushes into pressure, it is a sign that the muscles are .

17. If a horse jerks away from pressure, it is a sign that the muscles are .

18. In order to do deep massage, the speed needs to be.

19. All during a massage, you must adjust to the horse’s tolerance level.

True False
20. Using different parts of your hand can vary your pressure from very light to very heavy.

Answer questions 21-33 using the most correct of the terms listed below.
Some terms may be applicable to more than one question.
a. effleurage
b. connective tissue
c. friction
d. compression
e. muscle combing
f. kneading
g. stress points
h. trigger points
i. modified positional release
j. rocking

21. is done by alternate pushing back and forth on different parts of a horse's body.

22. is an effective way of separating muscle fibers in very tight, dense muscles, but can also be enjoyable to sensitive horses.

23. works especially well on a horse’s adductors.

24. normally occur in the belly of a muscle

25. is often done by riders when they bend a horse’s neck around to take a treat.

26. is heavy, quick pressure that goes back and forth across a muscle.

27. can be either static pressure or intermittent pressure applied to a muscle.

28. is a long gliding stroke that goes from one end of a muscle to the other.

29. usually occur in the origin portion of a muscle.

30. massage stays on the surface of a muscle and spreads the fascia.

31. pressure is held for short periods of time (10 – 15 seconds) and repeated two or three times.

32. has a disadvantage in that it can sometimes cause stiffness in the muscle the following day.

33. pressure is held for long periods of time (5 -10 minutes) without interruption.

34. The use of “tools” when doing equine massage would be appropriate for which of the following reason?
A) increase the surface area your hand can cover
B) intensify the pressure you can apply
C) if the horse is very large, heavy or stiff
D) conserve your hands
E) all of the above

True False
35. Ordinary grooming tools are a good choice of tools because the owner can learn to do some massage as they groom.

True False
36. If an activator’s pressure is not set correctly, it could do damage and cause soreness.

37.Of all of the information contained in this lesson, what stood out in your mind as being particularly important?

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