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Nutrition - Lesson Six Quiz
1. The 6 areas of a horse to examine in order to determine a BCS are:
2.A horse with enough fat over the ribs so they can be felt with very
slight pressure and some fat around the withers and tailhead would be
considered a _______________ body condition score.
3. A horse with a heart girth measurement of 72 inches and a length of 92
inches would be estimated to weigh _______________.
4. A horse is receiving 20 pounds of hay per day with a value of 1.02
DE/Mcal per pound. He is also consuming 6 pounds of concentrate per day with a
value of 1.25 DE/Mcal. What is his estimated total intake of digestible energy
for the day?
5. A horse is consuming 20 pounds of hay per day with a protein value of
12.9 percent. He is also eating 6 pounds of concentrate per day with a protein
value of 12 percent. What is the estimated amount of protein he is receiving
per day?
6. The hay is providing an average calcium level of .38%, fed at 20 pounds
per day. The concentrate is providing an average calcium level of .90%, fed at
a rate of 6 pounds per day. What is the estimated percent of calcium being
provided per day?
7. The hay is providing an average phosphorus level of .37%, fed at 20
pounds per day. The concentrate is providing an average phosphorus level of
.70%, fed at 6 pounds per day. What is the estimated percent of phosphorus
being provided per day?
8. What is the ratio of calcium to phosphorus for this diet?
9. TRUE FALSE PPM is the abbreviation for “particles per
10. How many international units of vitamin A is a horse receiving when
consuming 8 pounds of grain with a level of 5,500 I.U. per pound?
11. Approximately how many pounds of concentrate should a 1,300-pound horse
eat per day if the feeding directions recommend .50 to 1.0% of the body
12. Which feed is safer and more economical to feed a 900-pound adult
Product A:
Retail price is $10.00 per 50 pounds. Feeding directions are:
1.0% of the body weight per day along with forage.
Product B:
Retail price is 6.00 per 50 pounds. Feeding directions are:
2.0% of the body weight per day along with forage.
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