Train a Reiner
Lesson Two Quiz
Scoring the Reining Horse __________________________________________________________________________
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1. A score of 70 denotes an average performance in the reining show pen.
True False
Explain answer:
2. It is not necessary for a reining horse to be willingly guided.
3. There are 10 reining patterns all consisting of spins, lead changes, run downs, stops and speed control.
4. Maneuvers in reining are scored independently on a range of +2 to -2.
5. No penalties that can give you a total overall score of zero.
6. Jogging or trotting in excess of 1/2 of a circle or 1/2 the length of the arena will result in a score of zero.
7. In a walk in pattern, you may trot to the center of the arena, but you must stop prior to the lead departure, or it will result in a two point penalty.
8. Running a horse off pattern will not result in a zero score.
9. Reining judges assess penalties and maneuver scores.
10. You get extra points for doing more rotations in your spins then the pattern calls for.
11. Equipment failure, like a broken bridle will result in a total score of zero.
12. Judges are provided a scale of -1 1/2 to +1 1/2 to score each maneuver.
13. A maneuver score of +1/2 means the maneuver was good.
14. Degree of difficulty is not a consideration when judging reining.
15. NRHA means National Riding Horse Association.
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