Train a Reiner

Lesson Two Quiz

Scoring the Reining Horse __________________________________________________________________________

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1. A score of 70 denotes an average performance in the reining show pen.

True        False

Explain answer:


2. It is not necessary for a reining horse to be willingly guided.

True        False

Explain answer:


3. There are 10 reining patterns all consisting of spins, lead changes, run downs, stops and speed control.

True        False

Explain answer:


4. Maneuvers in reining are scored independently on a range of +2 to -2.

True        False

Explain answer:


5. No penalties that can give you a total overall score of zero.

True        False

Explain answer:


6. Jogging or trotting in excess of 1/2 of a circle or 1/2 the length of the arena will result in a score of zero.

True        False

Explain answer:


7. In a walk in pattern, you may trot to the center of the arena, but you must stop prior to the lead departure, or it will result in a two point penalty.

True        False

Explain answer:


8. Running a horse off pattern will not result in a zero score.

True        False

Explain answer:


9. Reining judges assess penalties and maneuver scores.

True        False

Explain answer:


10. You get extra points for doing more rotations in your spins then the pattern calls for.

True        False

Explain answer:


11. Equipment failure, like a broken bridle will result in a total score of zero.

True        False

Explain answer:


12. Judges are provided a scale of -1 1/2 to +1 1/2 to score each maneuver.

True        False

Explain answer:


13.  A maneuver score of +1/2 means the maneuver was good.

True        False

Explain answer:


14. Degree of difficulty is not a consideration when judging reining.

True        False

Explain answer:


15.  NRHA means National Riding Horse Association.

True        False

Explain answer:


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