Rev Up Your Dressage Scores
Lesson Three Quiz __________________________________________________________________________
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1. Bending and straightness have nothing to do with each other.
True False
Explain answer:
2. The term “against you leg” means to do a leg yield.
3. The horse decides if he wants to go straight.
4. You can feel if the horse is crooked.
5. The only reason a horse would consistently be counter bent or looking outside the arena is if he is distracted.
6. Correct riding and suppling can help straighten a horse.
7. A horse is asked to stop square to show that he can be obedient.
8. A horse must stretch one side while contracting the other side.
9. The side that is contracting is considered the bulging side.
10. The horse moves away best from the leg on the contracted side.
11. A rider can make a horse straight by bending his neck.
12. When a horse is straight, he cannot be forward.
13. The lower part of the leg you use, the “softer” your aid.
14. When working on the ribcage, you need to make a “horse sandwich”; pushing the horse into the other leg.
15. There are holistic ways to help straighten horses.
16. In the “Double” exercise you must hold the outside rein firmly.
17. The “Turn on the Forehand” is requested at Third Level.
18. It is impossible to raise a horse’s withers.
19. In the “Double” both front legs and back legs cross over.
20. During the “Turn on the Forehand” the horse should back up.
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